LED SPOT LIGHT - a projected spot of light
used to illuminate brillantly a person, object or group.
LED PANEL LIGHTS are a type of lighting fixture designed to
conventional fluorescent ceiling lights.
The frame is one of the more important led panel light parts as it is
designed to prevent light leakage. The layers inside include LED chips,
a light guide plate and a diffuser.
HIGH BAY LED LIGHTS - In the world of lighting,
the Hi-bay is a fixture that you would find in a ware-house,
factory, gymnasium or any large open area with relatively high ceiling.
LED TUBE LIGHT lamp or LED light builb is an electric light
for use in light fixtures that produces light using light-emitting diode (LED).
WEATHER PROOF LED surface mounted, non-corrosive fitting
thermal resistant polycarbonate body with poly carbonate diffuser, PC Clips,
safety straps and is supplied with stainless steel moutning bracket.
TRI-PROOF is a vandal-proof linear luminaire that is both
incredibly durable and long lasting as well as highly resistant
to heavy impacts, dust, jets of water and temperature variations.
LED FLOOD LIGHTS can be defined as high-intensity, broad
artificial lights often used to illuminate outdoor areas.

A street light, light pole, lamp post, street lamp, light standard or lamp standard
is a raised source of light on the edge of a road or path
Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into
either directly using photovoltaics, indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a

The helipad lighting scheme provides effective visual cues for pilots night landings
indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a combination
LED STRIP LIGHT is a flexible circuit board populated by
surface mounted
light-emitting diodes and other components that usually comes with an adhesive backing.